The F/EA Transition

What does the F/EA Transition Mean?
For some programs, the F/EA role is changing from Public Partnerships (PPL) to the Consumer Direct Care Network (CDCN). If you are an Employer or Participant who is new to the Community Living waiver and/or the Family Individual Supports waiver then information about the transition does not apply to you. Please review this FAQ carefully to make sure the section applies to your situation.

Which programs are impacted by the F/EA transition?

  • The Community Living (CL) waiver
  • The Family Individual Supports (FIS) waiver
  • Any Consumer-Directed Fee-for-Service member not enrolled in managed care

I received a letter in the mail from Consumer Direct Care Network indicating that I should fill out transition paperwork.  How do I know if I should fill it out?

You should fill out transition paperwork if:

  • You are enrolled in one of the developmental disabilities waivers (Community Living or Family and Individual Supports); or
  • You are NOT enrolled with a managed care organization. 

What forms does the Employer/Participant need to complete and sign for this transition?  

  1. Unemployment Insurance Account Authorization form
  2. 2678
  3. PAR 101 – VA Power of Attorney

Where do I find the EOR forms?
These forms are accessible online at:
DMAS’ website at:
CDCN’s website at:

The forms are in a packet titled: Employer Transition Packet

When do I need to have the EOR forms completed?
Employer Transition forms were due to CDCN by 12/3/2018. If you have not submitted them yet, please submit them immediately. Please send completed and signed forms to, or fax paperwork to (877) 747-7764.

What forms do Attendants need to complete and sign for this transition?
Attendants only need to submit forms to CDCN if they would like to change or update their mailing address or how they receive their pay. Otherwise, CDCN will use the data received by PPL to continue paying Attendants as normal.

If an Attendant would like to update their information they should fill out and submit the forms below:

  1. Attendant Data Form
  2. Pay Selection Form
  3. Employee-Employer Relationship Disclosure Form

Where do I find these forms?
These forms are accessible online at:
DMAS’ website at:
CDCN’s website at:

The forms are in a packet titled: Attendant Transition Packet

When do these forms need to be completed?
Attendants only need to submit forms to CDCN if they would like to change or update their mailing address or how they receive their pay. Otherwise, CDCN will use the data collected by PPL to continue paying Attendants as usual.

Please submit completed and signed forms to, or fax paperwork to 877-747-7764.

Whom do I contact if I have questions regarding EOR or Attendant paperwork?|
Please contact CDCN’s Customer Service Center at 888-444-8182.